Best bits from the writer’s journey this week

Best bits of the week

Doing a daily blog is fun but by it flies by and at the end of the week I am ready for a recap.

Aren’t you?

So here are some of the best bits from my recent musings on the writer’s journey.

Faith and fear at the start of the week

My first couple of […]

Overcoming obstacles and three little words…

Image showing an obstacle

Every writer suffers obstacles on their journey. I overcame mine as a result of two brilliant questions. The most amazing thing about them is that came almost exactly 12 months apart and, as a combination, they changed EVERYTHING.

Some people who are reading this may have heard this story before. I make no apology for […]

The essential item in a writer’s toolkit

Essential item in my toolkit...

What’s in your toolkit? When you run down the list of all those items a writer needs, what springs to mind?

Pens? Paper? Laptop? Writing software?

All good things. But there is one that, to me stands out about all others.

Living the dream

I’ve always wanted to be a writer but for a very […]

Every author’s greatest fear

The Scream painting - terrified writer

You want to be an author. You have been working at it to build your skills and feel it is time to make a start on your journey. But there is something standing in your way. Want to have a guess what that is, in 99% of cases?


There is no getting away from […]

Plot Twists!

A while ago, someone posted one of those inspirational quotes on Facebook which seemed amazing appropriate for me.

“When something goes wrong in your life, just yell, Plot Twist and move on.”

You’ve got to love it, haven’t you? The idea of life being a story isn’t an uncommon one, but putting any […]

Back to it

Image of the back cover of my next book

You may have noticed that I’ve been away for a while. I stopped blogging for a while when I left work to start up my business. Anyone who has done something similar will know what a strange, exciting and challenging experience that is – EVERYTHING changes.

So, caught up in all of that, I decided […]

Un-reality check

Last Tuesday – 2nd May – was my last day as a consultant. My last day as an ’employee.’ I’ve finished with the day job to pursue my dream of being a writer (and of becoming a ‘crazy cat lady’ – see last week’s post).

So, this is my life now. I’m a writer. I […]

Introducing Lola

Essential item in my toolkit...

When I was a child, we had a family cat. She became a part of the family when I was three and lived for 16 years, so I never really knew a time without her. So it is hardly surprising that I have always been a ‘cat person.’

In my adult life, however, a cat […]

Stick to your habits

Image showing an obstacle

Aren’t habits fascinating things?

My habit is to write my blog on a Sunday morning, pretty much my first task of the day. This weekend, though, I’ve been away (on a retreat as it happens) and, as a result, wasn’t in a position to write my blog on Sunday morning.

Now, on Monday morning, when […]

What went well?

Image of tree blossom

I’m currently reading Flourish by Martin Seligman. It is all about positive psychology and its application in a number of places. Scattered throughout the book are various very simple ideas and concepts which translate into every day life and which Seligman and his team have scientifically assessed for effectiveness.

The tool that forms the title […]